On the Mag..!!

On the Mag..!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Waiting for more rain..!!

It has been miserably hot and humid in Bangalore for a while now. The rain came out yesterday, but it didn't last. We have had two days of drizzle and it should continue. They are even saying the temperature could get up to 40 next week. I am really tired of summer. Of course, I can't complain too much because Bangalore, where I'm being brought up, has given us good weather.
It is still warm but no longer sweltering, the wind is cooler and the days are getting shorter. There is something about this time of year.. I am beginning to look forward to mixing more tunes and meeting my friends again, I'm even starting to get slightly excited about the Kerala trip.. Can't wait to put on my travel shoes.
I've never been a fan of summer to be honest.. Surely, those first few weeks of sunny weather are nice enough.. but then comes the sweating, the sunburns (which will eventually lead to skincancer, I'm sure) and various vampiresque insects that seemingly live off of human flesh alone.The temperature is high and there's crazy wildlife, AKA insects, looking to feast on your body (Well, I'm Bangalorean, insects are the only wildlife we have.) Come on Rain!!!